Pet Attack » cages The Complete Guide on Pet-Care for Pet Lovers Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:46:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A friend in need is a friend indeed Wed, 18 Jun 2014 17:55:17 +0000 images

One of the first and most important lessons that we have been taught, whether at our home or in the school, is about charity. Yet as we grow up, it somehow slips out of the minds of the majority of us. Nevertheless, there is a saying that goes, “It is better late than never”. So […]

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One of the first and most important lessons that we have been taught, whether at our home or in the school, is about charity. Yet as we grow up, it somehow slips out of the minds of the majority of us. Nevertheless, there is a saying that goes, “It is better late than never”. So why not start now?
A few of the people who are interested in doing charity works refrain from them because they are of the opinion that humans have lost all their values and thus, do not deserve to be saved. Some others like me want to extend help towards the poor but are not sure if we are actually doing anything worthwhile. This is due to the evil that prevails in our society, wherein even the poor are involved in different rackets just to earn money through wrong means and doing so, some of them are now even richer than many hard working businessmen. Such instances cause us to lose our hope in humanity. So how can we possibly practice charity? So I have another alternative for all those who are interested in aiding the ones in need.

As we all know, animals are more pure in heart than us humans. Their intentions are always simple and true. They never have ulterior motives. All the people who own pets or who are very familiar with animals will also know that they are not selfish and will always put the ones they love before themselves. If this is not enough reason for you to consider helping the neglected ones, then I suggest that you personally make friends with animals and see for yourself as to how kind- hearted and loving they are. They are the ones who really deserve it.

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PeTA is one such organization that is well known for its good works towards animals. It is a non-profit, world famous organization that was founded in 1980 and even today, works towards protecting animals in the different spheres that they are threatened. It is based in the United States of America but now has branches in other countries like India as well. PeTA is the largest animal rights group in the world and has the slogan, “animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way.” It has taken up many social cases as well as court cases to stop evil against animals. Many famous personalities worldwide are involved with PeTA to promote the good cause.
There are centers of PeTA across India. Apart from these, there are also other organizations that work for the betterment of animals. Some of them are Help Animals India, People for Animals, PAWS (Pet Animal Welfare Society) etc. Since they are on a noble mission, we too, can help them in kind or even by becoming a member of such associations. If you really are interested in doing something good for the neglected animals, you can join the nearest animal help group and partake in their activities. This will not only help them but also give you a sense of joy for being able to do something for those in need. Charity does not always mean giving monetary help. An extended meaning of charity is love. It is of no use if we only love in our hearts. It is important to show our love in our words and deeds. Only then can we make a difference in the lives of our speechless friends.

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All animals deserve rights to live in this world. Every day in countries around the world, animals are fighting for their lives. Just because we are the superior race, it does not mean that we can torture other beings and use them for our gain. Animals do not need rights to vote or contest the elections. All they require are some basic rights like the right to live a normal, happy life. Is that too much for them to ask? Is it too much for us to give? I am sure that each and every one of us has come across an instance of animal abuse happening in front of us, at least once in our lifetime. But how many of us actually attempted to stop it?

Animals are simple beings. They do not need much to be happy. A little bit of love and care from us would be sufficient for them. If you cannot do major things for them it is not a problem. The least you can do is to feed some strays near your house and spend some of your time with them. They will be ever grateful and will never forget you. But if you can do more for them then never hesitate. We must always keep in mind that if we help the ones who need it most, then in our times of trouble, help will surely come to us

As an animal rights activist, you can try to better the condition of animals in our society. You can spread awareness about animal harassment and prevent it. You can also educate people in your community and positively affect their attitudes and lifestyles. Instead of just waiting for somebody else to bring about positive change, you yourself can be that change. Animals cannot speak up. So let us be their voice and take action. They too, have a life and therefore they too must be allowed to live it in happiness rather than fear.

The post A friend in need is a friend indeed appeared first on Pet Attack.

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